[ Philosophisches Seminar | Arbeitsbereich Praktische Philosophie ]

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JGU Mainz
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Philosophisches Seminar
Praktische Philosophie


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German Literature
Language & Literature
IB German Literature
Standard Level
(Test 2013)
IB German Literature
Higher Level
(Test 2014)
IB Language and Literature
Standard Level
(Test 2013)
IB Language and Literature
Higher Level (Test 2014)
Theory of Knowledge

Language and Literature Higher Level - Examen 2014

IB Syllabus for Language and Literature courses:

Part 1: Language in cultural context Topics studied: Aims IB Assessement
Language and the individual
(multi- / bilingualism, language profile, identity)
Language and power
(linguistic imperialism, propaganda)
Language and knowledge
(science and technology, argot and jargon)
Language and communities
(nation / region, subcultures)
persuasive language in political speeches
Professional language
Status of minority languages in multilingual societies
emergence of new vocabulary from languages of groups
Further oral activity
Part 2: Language and mass communication Topics studied:
Languages and presentation of speeches and campaigns (elections, lobbying)
Analyze / give speeches Stereotypes
Examine different forms of communication:
Further oral activity
Part 3: Literature – texts and contexts Works studied / thematic links
Miller: Tod eines Handlungsreisenden
Schlink: Vorleser
Brecht: Der gute Mensch von Sezuan
Thematic link:
individuelles Scheitern
(mangelnde) Kommunikation
Einfluss der Wirtschaft
Wirtschafts- / Gesellschaftskritik
Understand relevance of thematic links for literature studied

Learn to analyze and use style and register
Paper 2: Essay
1 out of 6 questions
students write essay based on
both the literary texts studied
Part 4: Literature – critical study Works studied / thematic links
Dürrenmatt: Besuch der alten Dame
Stamm: Agnes
Kästner: Gedichte
Thematic link:
Umgang mit Verantwortung
Auswirkung des Wirtschaftssystems aud Individuum und Familie
Understand relevance of thematic links for literature studied

Learn to analyse and use style and register
Individual Oral commentary
Exam preparation Paper 1: Textual analysis
two unseen texts
students write analysis of one of these texts


[ Philosophisches Seminar | Arbeitsbereich Praktische Philosophie ]

Last Update: 5. Oktober 2011
